Curated by Anthony Nguyen and William Wheeler
Opening Reception: February 16, 6-8pm
By exhibiting artworks that engage play from various artists and designers with disparate artistic practices and concerns, Playthings seeks to broaden our understanding of the intersections between art and play; to imagine both as human activities that may have no clear aim or function outside of themselves; that resist contemporary notions of productivity or instrumentality.

Exhibition Poster

William Wheeler and Anthony Nguyen - Opening Reception

Clare Gotto and Kara Gut - Opening Reception

Exhibition View

Opening Reception

Opening Reception

Opening Reception

Emily Sara (detail)

Emily Sara (detail)

Opening Reception

James Kirkpatrick

Benjamin Patterson - Opening Reception

Opening Reception

Opening Reception

Opening Reception

Allan Wexler

Paul Highman

Paul Highman

Sharon McConnell (Galleries Director) with Curators William Wheeler and Anthony Nguyen