Ferrous Bloom
Christian Benefiel, Laurence Edwards, Andy Griffiths, Ginny Hutchinson, Marjee Levine, Carolyn Ottmers, Vaughn Randall
Reception: October 30, 7-9 pm
Curated by: Coral Lambert
The artists represented in 'Ferrous Bloom' examine the unique and fascinating nature of iron as a sculptural vehicle, drawing on its innate physical properties and rich historical associations.

Overview of exhibition

Christian Benefiel

Christian Benefiel

Christian Benefiel

Christian Benefiel

Laurence Edwards

Laurence Edwards

Laurence Edwards

Laurence Edwards

Andy Griffiths

Andy Griffiths

Andy Griffiths

Ginny Hutchinson

Marjee Levine

Marjee Levine

Marjee Levine

Marjee Levine

Marjee Levine

Carolyn Ottmers

Carolyn Ottmers

Vaughn Randall

Vaughn Randall

Vaughn Randall