I5olation A Portfolio of 50 Drawings x 50 Women Sculptors During COVID
Ginger Andro, Gwen Arkin, Nicole Beck, Luisa Caldwell, JoAnne Carson, Vivien Collens, Laura Donefer, Leslie Fry, Faith Gelvin, Felicia Glidden, Cynthia Handel, Sarah Haviland, Alison Helm, Alexa Horochowski, Julie Jabolinksi, Dilys Jackson, Justine Johnson, Mary Johnson, Brigitte Jurack, Deborah Kennedy, Rian Kerrane, Wendy Klemperer, Deborah La Grasse, Coral Penelope Lambert, Thea Lanzisero, Gina Miccinilli, Cristin Millett, Nikki Moser, Ellie Murphy, Mary Neubauer, Jann Nunn, Julia Ousley, Sherry Owens, Zora Palova, Marsha Pels, Diana Pumpelly Bates, Glen Rogers, Phoenix Savage, Kathleen Schnieder, Tanya Synar, Kazumi Tanaka, Steinun Thorarinsdottir, Lynn Todaro, Jennifer Torres, Pocket Toscani, Virginia Tyler, Ann Weber, Mia Westerlund, Mala Wolfe, Joni Younkins-Herzog
Opening Reception: February 17, 6-8pm
Curated by Coral Lambert & Cynthia Handel
The exhibition came about during a conversation between sculptors, Coral Lambert and Cynthia Handel when they were checking in on each other in early April 2020. They were discussing how the pandemic was affecting studio work and what kind of support their artists community needed. Many sculptors were turning to drawing because fabrication shops had closed. The resulting I5olation Portfolio project includes various methods of drawing from mixed media and collage, to traditional pencil and watercolor. The exhibition represents an international collection of women sculptors from the USA and Europe, all are over 50 years of age and approach sculpture in diverse materials and practices from public and process-based art to installation and performance.

Exhibition Poster

Opening Reception - Coral Lambert (curator)

Ellie Murphy (Detail)

Installation View

Opening Reception

Installation View

Opening Reception

Installation View

Installation View

Nicole Beck (Detail)

Installation View

Installation View

Brigette Jurack (Detail)

Installation View

Wendy Klemperer (Detail)

Opening Reception - Coral Lambert (Curator) & Sharon McConnell (Gallery Director)